School management system

This Product a Completes school management solution,automate attendence, transport tracking, and Reporting with innovative technologies like biometric devices and smart ID cards.

Hospital Management System

This integrated hospital management solution streamlines patient care, appointments, and emergency services with a customizable, secure, and user-friendly healthcare management system.

Shopping Portal

It is a reliable online shopping platform where you can buy and sell goods and services. You can browse through various products, and make purchases throught online banking, Paytm, and more.

Inventory Management System

The Inventory Management System streamlines tracking and managing stock levels in real-time. It helps businesses monitor inventory, automate order processing, and generate reports.

RFID Attendence System

The RFID Attendance System uses radio frequency identification technology to track employee attendance. By simply scanning an RFID tag, the system records employee check-ins and check-outs in real time System.

File tracking System

The File Tracking System allows businesses to efficiently manage and track physical or digital files. With features like barcode scanning and real-time updates, it ensures quick retrieval, minimizes loss, and enhances organization.