JavaFX Basic
This module covers the core aspects of JavaFX. This is especially useful:
• if you’re new to UI development in Java
• if you are a Swing developer and want to migrate an application to Java
• if you are an architect/manager and want to get a technical overview the capabilities of JavaFX This module follows a number of chapters in the Pro JavaFX 8 book, by Johan Vos, Weiqi Gao, James Weaver, Stephe Chin and Dean Iverson
JavaFX Advanced
This module assumes you are familiar with the JavaFX basics. You know that a Scene is a root container in JavaFX, and you can bind a JavaFX Property to a JavaFX Control (if not, it is recommended you add the JavaFX basics module).
In this module, you will learn more about advanced features of JavaFX. This module targets developers who are about to start working with JavaFX, and who want to know more of its capabilities.
JavaFX Enterprise
Many projects require an interaction between the Java Client and an enterprise back-end. In this module, a number of tools and patterns are shown that allow JavaFX developers to connect their application to a back-end. This module is interesting to:
- JavaFX developers that need to connect to a new or existing enterprise back-end
- Java architects that need to design an end-to-end system, including a communication protocol between client and server
- Java Enterprise developers that want to get a deeper insight in how their services are used on a JavaFX Client.
JavaFX Mobile
In case you are considering to build JavaFX applications for Android and/or iOS, this module can help you. You are familiar with JavaFX, and you can easily create desktop applications, and now you want to run those applications on mobile devices with as few changes as possible.
Training Outline
JavaFX Basic
- Introduction
- HelloWorld in JavaFX
- Programmatic creating a user interface in JavaFX
- Declarative creation of a user interface in JavaFX, FXML and SceneBuilder
- JavaFX Properties and bindings
- Dynamic layout containers in JavaFX
- JavaFX Controls overview
- JavaFX Collections and concurrency
JavaFX Advanced
• using CSS in JavaFX Controls
• using JavaFX Charts
• JavaFX Media
• JavaFX 3D
• Custom JavaFX Controls
• JavaFX on mobile and embedded
• third party libraries and tools (jfxtras, ControlsFX, SceneBuilder, DataFX, DukeScript, …).
JavaFX Enterprise
client requirements and considerations
• overview of common enterprise protocols
• accessing REST services, integrating with JAX-RS
• using SSE (Server Sent Events)
• using WebSocket communication, integrating with JSR 356 (Java API for WebSockets)
• accessing SOAP endpoints
• the JavaFX application as a Java EE client (using Remote EJB’s, JPA, CDI,…)
JavaFX Mobile
• up-to-date information about the current state of the ports to Android and iOS
• hands-on: HelloWorld on Android
• hands-on: HelloWorld on iOS
• using command line tools, gradle plugin and IDE integration
• using Android and iOS specific functionality
• best practices on mobile
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